Let’s Get Wellington Moving

Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) was a joint initiative between Wellington City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.

The Project website describes LGWM as being “a once-in-a-generation opportunity to deliver that future focused transport network. It will provide more attractive travel choices and reshape how we live and get around. It will help reduce carbon emissions, make our city and region more compact and sustainable, and make Wellington a better place to be.  There will be better walking facilities, connected cycleways, and high-quality mass rapid transit, along with more reliable buses, improvements at the Basin Reserve, and an extra Mt Victoria Tunnel.  These improvements will go hand-in-hand with planning and urban development changes, and links to wider regional transport projects, to ensure we make the most of the $7.4 billion Let’s Get Wellington Moving investment.”

The new Government announced late in 2023 that it would withdraw Central Government from the joint initiative, and we await with interest the outcome of how some if not all components of the Project may still be progressed. However, Flow is proud of its involvement in the consultant team between early 2020 and late 2023, with involvement specifically in terms of the strategic and detailed transport modelling and the assessment of a range of options against the project’s transport objectives, focussing in particular on the contribution of the options to transport mode change.